Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How To Play Your First Piano Song In only 6 Days( Beginner Piano Instruction Book):by Tim Kimbrough

free from lines and staff,special low rates, save, discounts available. Beginners Welcome....or, as Timothy Kimbrough(Keyboard Instructor, Author and Inventor) would say-"No Lines And Staff"-How To Play Your First Piano Song In only 6 Days (20 pages) -presents a revolutionary approach to both learning, and teaching piano. Formatted for beginners of all ages(so long as the student can read), How To Play Your First Piano Song In only 6 Days is(quoting from page 3 of the Preface)-"an easy to read, easy to follow instruction guide that will help the beginner,who knows absolutely nothing about the piano play their first piano song in only six days". How To Play Your First Piano Song In only 6 Days introduces students to Timothy Kimbrough's Patented Method Of Writing Keyboard Music, protected by US Patent No.6,977,334. Kimbrough's new Method Of Writing Keyboard Music greatly simplifies the process of communicating and learning Piano Concepts. Kimbrough's Method Of Writing Keyboard Music is an ideal tool for Piano Teachers that wish to enhance the process of communicating Keyboard Concepts to their students. For more information regarding How To Play Your First Piano Song In only 6 Days, and obtaining copies, please call 301.328.6705.
Thank You,
Timothy Kimbrough